Beer and Blood: Ash Rowell's Murderer Is Still at Large, and His Mother Wants to Know Why

Brian Harris, lead detective on the case, told the Houston Chronicle the day after the murder, back when it appeared that the case would be solved quickly, "We believe the assailant knew the victim. We'll put together his business dealings and friendships. Who would want to hurt this man? Usually, the suspect will appear as being that missing piece."

Read the full story here. 

Remembering Julia Briggs: Teen's Project To Help Children Of Homicide Victims Lives On

This almost sounds like a movie:

Hair Balls has learned that within the Houston Police Department's homicide division, there's a detective Brian Harris who unwinds from the work of his day by coaching a girls lacrosse team. On this team (the Iron Maidens) a couple of years ago was a 13-year-old girl named Julia Briggs, who once asked her coach what he and his colleagues do, immediately after the crime, to comfort the children of homicide victims.

Read the full story here. 

Houston Cop Becomes National TV Star Tonight

ABC is premiering another newsmagazine, this one called Primetime:Crime, and the star in the first show is a Houston cop famous for his interrogation skills.

HPD Homicide Sgt. Brian Harris, ABC says, is "the grand inquisitor" of the department.
The harsh interrogation techniques favored by legends like Pearl are not used here, Harris tells the network.

Read the full story here.